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Molly Minehan
ReportingMD > Articles by: Molly Minehan > Page 3
comprehensive MIPS solution
Are administrative tasks holding you back? The importance of pay for performance programs may be overshadowed by well-intentioned efforts to move practices to a streamlined value-based care system while adhering to time constraints within a patient visit. How clinicians use their clinic time has implications regarding quality of care and is the basis of physician...
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Let’s examine why the 2019 adjustments are lower than expected The 2019 MIPS final feedback has been released and adjustments are lower than expected, even lower than expected with COVID-19 already factored into the anticipated results. MIPS eligible practices and clinicians were eagerly anticipating final adjustment rates up to an estimated 4.7%, based on information...
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Can you Reduce Administrative Burden and Improve Outcomes? Is your practice overwhelmed with increasing administrative burden? If so, you are not alone.  ReportingMD can not only help reduce administrative burden but also help improve your outcomes, which ultimately leads to higher payment adjustments under several federal and state programs. As our healthcare system transitions from...
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The utilization of telehealth services during the COVID-19 pandemic is shedding light on an untapped resource within the healthcare service community. By combining advanced communication technologies, clinical health, and a delivery system across distance, telehealth ensures the distribution of healthcare in a safe environment by assisting and hastening communication between medical experts and patients. Insurance...
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The Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has been working to provide as many flexibilities as possible to support practices and clinicians during the COVID-19 pandemic. CMS has added options to reduce reimbursement, rural health, and provider barriers that might otherwise upsurge COVID cases if flexibilities were not allowed. Additionally, CMS has released various...
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A new policy was established in the 2019 Physician Fee Schedule (PFS) Final Rule that authorizes CMS to make changes to the MIPS Quality category scoring methodology for any measure(s) that may be significantly impacted by clinical guideline changes or other changes as CMS sees fit. The intent of this policy is to hold harmless...
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Patient Outcomes Management | ReportingMD, solutions for patient outcomes management
How can you identify and avoid these common MIPS reporting mistakes? At ReportingMD we see plenty of reporting and scoring traps when it comes to reporting performance data. As these programs become more complex and the risk of penalties larger, organizations face an ever-steepening climb to incentive payments. Over the past 16 years we’ve witnessed...
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As the 2019 reporting year draws to a close, practices are focused on ensuring that all 2019 data is ready for submission and primed to earn the highest possible score for maximum incentives. What may not be on their minds is the next, or even subsequent, reporting year(s). It’s time to direct attention toward the...
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