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Case Study – PCOI (Physicians’ Clinic of Iowa)

By Jessica Raymond


Case Study: Physicians Clinic of Iowa Journey with ReportingMD:

Enhancing Workflow Efficiency and Outcomes


Client Overview:

               With a team of over 90 physicians, surgeons, and mid-level providers, the Physician’s Clinic of Iowa (PCOI) upholds nationally recognized standards of education, expertise, and experience. Serving patients throughout Eastern Iowa, PCOI offers outstanding care across a broad range of specialties and subspecialties. Since its establishment in 1997, PCOI has maintained its independent ownership, allowing families to choose where they receive their specialized care. As a  physician-owned, multi-specialty clinic providing a variety of services (including same-day care, freestanding lab and imaging services), PCOI faced challenges managing clinical workflows, regulatory requirements, and data-driven performance reporting.


Key Challenges:

Before partnering with ReportingMD, PCOI struggled to efficiently track clinical performance, manage data from multiple departments, and ensure compliance with MIPS and MACRA requirements. The clinic’s ability to optimize performance metrics was limited, and a solution was needed to streamline operations. With specialists spread across orthopedics, neurology, and ENT, many physicians were initially resistant to recording routine health metrics like blood pressure, which complicated compliance with quality measures. As Kim Rieff, Health Information Manager/EMR Training Manager at PCOI, noted, “To convince a lot of orthopedic surgeons, neurologists and ENT doctors why it’s important to document a blood pressure, I got a lot of pushback.”

Data management became an overwhelming task, as the existing systems were inadequate for handling the complexity of MIPS/MACRA reporting and data auditing. Kim described the challenge: “I was swimming… I needed some help, somebody to give me direction.” Manual data tracking hampered PCOI’s ability to focus on patient care and optimize performance.

Moreover, managing workflows across multiple departments was inefficient. PCOI needed tools to optimize operations, reduce manual tasks, display data, and improve engagement from physicians. As Kim shared, “I was just trying to keep track of all the numbers and the rules and regulations… it was overwhelming.”


The ReportingMD Solution:

PCOI chose ReportingMD as their performance management partner after the clinic’s previous software system was sunset. The transition to ReportingMD’s TOM™ (Total Outcomes Management platform) was seamless, with strong support from ReportingMD’s Dedicated Advisor team during the handoff.

 “The transition was really smooth. The previous vendor I was working with did a good job handing it off to you guys. That was our main reason for choosing ReportingMD,” said Kim.


Positive Results:

ReportingMD provided PCOI with robust tools to extract, organize, and analyze data across all departments. This allowed the clinic to track and report performance more effectively, ensuring compliance with MIPS/MACRA standards.

Kim emphasized, “I spend about 70% of my time in ReportingMD’s platform pulling reports, comparing data… the platform has given us vision on where we need to go.”

The software also freed up time previously spent on manual reporting, allowing PCOI to focus on other high-priority tasks. Support from ReportingMD enabled PCOI to troubleshoot issues and adjust workflows based on performance metrics. “It’s allowed me more time to focus on other tasks because I feel confident that I can look and see how we’re performing,” Kim explained.

With real-time insights and better data extraction tools, PCOI saw an improvement in their performance scores and gained a clearer understanding of their strengths and areas for growth. “Our scores are improving, and it’s given us a vision on where we need to go. Before, we were just flying by the seat of our pants,” Kim reflected.

While PCOI’s reporting success largely depended on the nursing staff, they are now working towards increased physician buy-in with the support of ReportingMD’s tools. Kim shared, “It’s mostly the nurses making this happen, but we’re trying to get physicians more engaged… finding ways to give them meaningful reports.”


Looking to the Future:

Moving forward, PCOI plans to focus on further improving its performance scores while enhancing physician engagement with the reporting process. Although initially skeptical, physicians are beginning to see the value and understand the positive that result from the data that ReportingMD can provide for them. “Hopefully we can increase our score and find ways to get more buy-in from our departments and physicians,” said Kim.

The partnership with ReportingMD has empowered PCOI Clinic to streamline its workflows, improve compliance with MIPS and MACRA, and focus on patient care with confidence. The clinic now has the tools it needs to succeed, with a clear path towards even greater efficiency and performance improvements.


About ReportingMD– With over 20 years of experience, ReportingMD brings together all of your data sources into one platform, providing a 360-degree view of your patient population, across your network, group, or practice. Our cloud-based, HIPAA-compliant, ONC-certified, analytic platform is specially built with best-in-class technology to support the needs of healthcare organizations with detailed provider performance, and drill-down to the individual patient encounter.

About PCOI (Physician’s Clinic of Iowa): Comprising over 90 physicians, surgeons, and mid-level providers, PCOI adheres to nationally recognized standards in education, expertise, and experience, offering patients across Eastern Iowa exceptional care in a variety of specialties and subspecialties. Since its founding in 1997, PCOI has remained independently owned, providing families with the option of where to receive their specialized care.

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