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Consulting for population health management


ReportingMD offers consulting and advisory services. We take a data-driven approach to helping you manage your patient population. As a part of our solution package, we offer consulting and advisory services to hospitals, medical groups and networks.

We are focused on helping you improve the patient experience. Our team works in the areas of technology, practice management and clinical quality management. Our technology integrates seamlessly, regardless of your present or future EMR, PM, or analytics.

We are also the top choice when it comes to your MIPS (Merit Based-Incentive Payment System) questions and concerns. Year after year our clients have performed amongst the highest in their industry when it comes to scores and year-end bonus achievement.

Learn about the programs we support >>

Workflow consulting

Workflow consulting helps establish guidelines and procedures to manage workflow.

  • Strategy
  • Risk assessment
  • Attestation support
  • Audit preparedness

Framework consulting

Framework consulting helps establish pathways to enhanced clinical quality score.

  • Strategy
  • Analysis
  • Measure selection
  • Clinical data management

Programmatic consulting

Programmatic consulting helps establish a baseline for success under any pay-for-performance contracts.

  • ACO
  • All-payer APM programs
  • Commercial payer programs
  • Program analysis to determine which payment model is best aligned with your practice

Compensation modeling

If your organization has not transitioned to a compensation model that realizes the significance of value-based care, you should consider how to align physician pay with the measurements, data and financial incentives related to improving the health of the patient population.

We can help you move beyond wRVUs toward an arrangement that supports value-based care.


Clinical quality consulting

Clinical quality consulting helps establish guidelines and procedures that improve patient outcomes.

  • Gap analysis
  • Clinical quality variation

MIPS Consulting and Services

MIPS consulting helps healthcare providers provide their best patient care while allowing for optimal year-end bonuses

  • Dedicated Advisor access
  • Transparent patient data on ReportingMD’s TOM™ platform

How can we help you?

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